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Not a happy bunny.

Not feeling very optimistic at the moment. My formal transition has not started well and looks as though it's only going to get worse. The difference in how things are portrayed in the media and the reality of the transition process are completely worlds apart. Normally when you go to see your GP you go looking for help to make you feel better in some way, at the moment it seems that the medical industry is just putting up a set of barriers that I have to climb over to "prove" that I am transsexual. So it's a minimum of two years before I will receive any help, during which time I have to tell all my friends and family, find employment, change all my legal documents and bank accounts and prove that I am living full time as a women. I have to do all those things before I will get any help. In essence I have to transition on my own before any medical help will be given. I can now understand why people in my shoes opt for self prescribed hormones, back street or overseas operations and if all else fails then suicide.

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