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It looks like I'm on my own...

I told you back in March that I had been to see my GP and that I had somehow summoned the courage to ask for help. The reaction I had from the GP was wonderful and something I shall always be thankful for but since then the progress has at best been slow and has certainly not helped me. Six months of tests and consultations have all been to satisfy the Doctors that I should be referred to the Gender Identity Clinic but not a single piece of help has been offered let alone given. The timetable is still as desperate as before 18 to 24 months to been seen by the GIC and then another year or so before anything happens.

So where does that leave me...

I was alone before I told my GP and I am alone now, there is no help to be had from the medical industry so I must revert to finding my own path. I will have to self prescribe hormone therapy and hope the drugs don't cause heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism or DVT. I shall have to look for sources of surgery be they overseas, back street or self surgery; each could leave me in the back of an ambulance or a morgue. This is the reality of transitioning, not the media image of it being some form of mass movement available to all at the drop of a hat, this is what people like me face every single day and is why so many of us end up committing suicide.

So if you are reading this and think that lives like mine matter then please try and educate those around you about what transitioning really means and maybe slowly over time we can change public attitudes and then maybe the services will become available.

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