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Forget the GIC & NHS they wont help!

After years of research into the causes of gender dysphoria including psychology, fetal development and gender indoctrination I thought I would raise my head above the parapet and share my thoughts and conclusions on transitioning.

I, like many, have been referred by my GP to the Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) and am on the waiting list of hell. In theory I should be seen next year but according to the GIC's own website the rate of referrals and the number of first appointments implies I will have at least another 10 years to go. Even then I have little or no expectation that they will offer any help at all.

So the conclusion I have come to is that I am on my own. There is no help to be gained from the medical route other than that which I can facilitate myself. So, I have found a reliable source of hormones and have been self medicating for a couple of years. I have sourced surgery overseas for my Orchiectomy (which does not require psychological referral) but this is obviously delayed by world events.

Enough about me and my rantings. I wonder if others have come to the same conclusion? I wonder if there is an opportunity to simply circumvent the gate keeping and barriers put in place by the GIC/GP/NHS and en masse go another route...

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